I. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CONDITIONS 1. The National Park Service (NPS) has directed that each member of the Association be informed of the conditions of the special use permit issued to the Association and of the necessity that each member comply with the permit conditions, including but not limited to the following: “The United States shall not be held liable for the loss, damage, or liability arising from the use of these lands under this special use permit.” 2. The NPS regulations are adopted by the Association and incorporated by reference as basic rules for use of the garden plots. The NPS regulations that specifically apply to plot-holders include but are not limited to the following:
Each member must comply with the NPS regulations, as amended from time to time. Copies of the NPS regulations are available at the Association’s annual meeting or from the Association Chair. II. ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION 1. Gardens will be kept free of weeds and heavy pest infestation, and neat in appearance at all times. 2. Garden plots will be managed strictly by organic methods, including prevention of pest infestations. 3. Gardeners are encouraged to establish and maintain their own compost piles within the confines of the assigned plots, arrange to use a neighbor’s or dig under garden refuse. Heavy, unsightly stems shall not be composed but removed from the garden as pulled. Any material transported to the community compost pile shall be cut up and tossed on top of the pile as indicated by markers. 4. Compost piles shall not be established along 42nd Street, nor any refuse deposited along 42nd Street or New Mexico Avenue except during periodic cleanup weeks as announced by the Chair’s newsletters. 5. No planting, trellis, fence, or other support shall shade any adjoining garden. 6. Tools stored in a plot should be kept in a tool box, such boxes not to be more than 6 feet long, 2 ½ feet high and 2 feet wide. Boxes, if painted, shall be painted according to NPS regulations as posted, kept in good condition and located so as to lessen visibility. Tools not stored in this manner must be removed by the end of the gardening season (November 15 of each year). The Association is not responsible for the loss or theft of tools. Wherever possible, members should arrange to share tool boxes. 7. Each garden plot will be cleared of spent crops, excess growth and debris not later than two weeks after the first killing frost or by November 15. Members are encouraged to spade in leaves, compost or manure or plant a winter cover crop. 8. Individuals holding plots on the north and east sides of the garden are responsible for general policing of the area out to the street or to the fence. Those on the south are responsible for approximately 10 feet to the south of the assigned plot; those to the west are responsible for maintaining the area behind the plot to the fence line above row C, or 10 feet beyond the plot for those in rows A or B. 9. No support, pole, fence, tool box, etc. shall obstruct wheelbarrow passage on any path. 10. Each gardener is expected to help maintain the community compost pile, lawns and all of the common areas of the community gardens in an orderly state. No equipment belonging to an individual, other than in toolboxes as approved by the Executive Committee (e.g. grills), shall be kept in the common areas. MAINTENANCE OF PATHS 11. There shall be a path three feet wide on all sides of each full garden plot. 12. Paths shall be maintained free of growth, rocks and debris at all times and shall be kept will covered with wood chips so that the path is safe and accessible for use by all. 13. Each member is directly responsible for maintenance of the entire width of the paths to the south and west of the assigned plot, and for any invasive growth into the north and east paths origination from the member’s garden. 14. To prevent erosion and ensure safe passage and use of paths, each member shall shore up and retain the assigned plot on all sides with wooden boards (not particle board) or other semi-permanent materials. Gardeners are encouraged to use unpainted, untreated wood. PLANTINGS 15. All plants that normally grow taller than 18 inches shall be maintained no closer than 18 inches to the edge of the plot, so that growth does not intrude into the paths. Low growing plants may be planted within this 18 inch border, thereby permitting the maximum utilization of space, but may not intrude into paths. TERMINATION OF PLOT ASSIGNMENT 16. Plots will be inspected every two weeks during the gardening season (generally April 1 through November 15). Any member failing to maintain the assigned plot, paths or shoring in accordance with GPCGA Rules shall be notified in writing to correct the existing discrepancy. Failure to do so by the date specified in the notice shall result in revocation of the plot assignment and termination of membership in the Association unless the Executive Committee votes to extend the assignment due to extenuating circumstances. 17. Not more than two discrepancy notices shall be issued to any member during the gardening season; a third notice, should one be necessary, shall constitute automatic revocation of the plot assignment. Any member who received as many as two discrepancy notices in a gardening year will be placed on probation for the following gardening year and his/her plot will be subject to more frequent inspection. 18. A member who wishes to terminate a plot assignment voluntarily shall notify the Chair and shall be responsible for leaving the plot weed-free and neat in appearance. GENERAL 19. The perimeter fence between the gardens and the park area shall not be used as a support for tools or equipment. A three-foot corridor shall be maintained between the perimeter fence and the garden area. 20. When not in use, garden hoses shall be disconnected and shall not extend across or otherwise obstruct and garden pathway. 21. Each member must work his or her assigned plot, including the initial preparation and planting, as well as maintaining the plot throughout the growing season (e.g., weeding, watering, planting, fertilizing, chipping adjoining paths). This is not intended to preclude the member from accepting occasional assistance on a discrete task, such as replacing shoring, repairing fencing, tilling or occasionally watering while the member is unavailable. 22. There will be no form of tenant farmer, share cropper or absentee landlord practice. However, temporary use by a friend, not to exceed two months during a member’s temporary absence, may be permitted upon written request to the Chair, with all rules and obligations of the member remaining in effect. 23. Assignments shall be made on a first come, first served basis, without respect to race, creed or color. Reasonable limited priority may be given to senior citizens. Requests for plot transfers by current plot-holders must be made in writing to the Chair and will be given priority over assignments to new gardeners, provided that the plot-holder has maintained the original plot in good order according to the rules. 24. Assignments shall be limited to one plot with the exception of rehabilitation plots, which will be identified and assigned by the Executive Committee if there is no one on the waiting list. Rehabilitation plots may be assigned for no more than one year and carry no voting privileges These rules are promulgated and revised by the Executive Committee and adopted on November 15, 2009. GLOVER PARK COMMUNITY GARDEN
Revised and Adopted May 4, 1985 by vote of the Membership Amended May 1992, May 1996 and November 1996 1. Name of Association: The name of the Association shall be Glover Park Community Gardens Association. 2. Object of the Association: The object of the Association is to garden plots at 42nd and Edmunds Streets NW through 42nd and New Mexico Avenue NW, Washington, DC, to gardeners for raising of food for home use. 3. Membership: Membership shall be restricted to persons to whom a garden plot has been assigned under the Rules of the Association and shall continue so long as the member adheres to those rules. Membership shall cease when the member voluntarily relinquishes assignment to a plot or when the assignment is terminated by the Chair or the Executive Committee under provisions of the Rules currently in force. Each member shall receive a copy of the Association Bylaws and Rules and shall agree by acceptance of a plot to abide by the Bylaws and Rules. 4. Membership meetings: There shall be an annual meeting of the Members for election of officers of the Association and consideration of other garden, business, preferably on the second Saturday in November, but not later than the third Saturday in December.
5. Association Officers: Officers of the Association shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer elected from and by the membership at the annual meeting for a term of one year or until replacements are elected at the next annual meeting. Officers may be elected to successive terms. In the event the Chair resigns before the next annual meeting, the Vice Chair immediately becomes Chair, and the Executive Committee shall select a replacement, who shall thereafter be considered to have been elected by the membership. A. Chair The Chair shall:
B. Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall:
C. Secretary The Secretary shall:
D. Treasurer Treasurer shall:
may be requested by the Chair. 6. Authorizations for expenditures for budgeted and non-budgeted items:
7. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the four elected officers and three members appointed by the Chair. The Executive Committee shall:
8. Assignment of Garden Plots:
9. Indemnification: The Glover Park Community Garden Association shall indemnify any person who was or is an officer of the Association, or member of any bona fide committee, or agent of the Association against any liability for expenses (including attorney's fees), judgments, fines, costs, and amounts paid in settlement, incurred by such officer, committee member or agent in connection with or arising out of his/her service in such capacity unless it should be proven that such liability results from his/her gross negligence or willful misconduct. The indemnification provided by or pursuant to this provision shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which any person who was or is an officer, committee member or agent of the association may be entitled under applicable law or under the bylaws of the Association or under any agreement or vote of the members of the Association. 10. Revision of Bylaws: Revision of the Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee for adoption by approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting at any legally constituted membership meeting provided that the revisions have been included in the notice of such meeting required by Section 4 above. rock creek gardens regulations 2021 (applicable to 2024 gardening year)
Where is compost available for gardeners? Go to the community compost pile and dig from the pile marked “Topsoil Here.” Can I put kitchen scraps in the compost pile? No. They attract rats. May I have my own composter in my garden? Yes. Where do I put extra bricks? Stack them against the perimeter fence in back of the compost pile. Where do I put woody materials? Stack them against the perimeter fence for chipping. What are the rules regarding toolboxes? Toolboxes should be kept closed. Place the box on bricks or cinder blocks at least six inches above the ground to keep rats from chewing through the bottom. Put any organic matter kept inside the box such as seeds, fertilizers, paper products, towels, etc. in air-sealed containers. How do you find out about the waiting list if you have friends who want a garden? We encourage those interested in gardening at GPCG to complete an application form. At present, the waitlist is about 125 people deep and it will take several years to be offered a plot. In the meantime, they can sign up to volunteer or be a co-gardener via this website. If you ordered straw when you renewed your garden when will it be delivered? It will be available at the Spring Picnic and Cleanup. See Calendar. Were do I pick up wood chips for the paths? At the chip pile at the bottom of the garden next to 42nd Street. If I see leaking standpipes whom do I contact? Mike Minton at [email protected]. What type of fencing is allowed? It is recommended to use wire fencing. companion planting guidelines
MEMBERSHIP Application Form